Software Developed by Optimum X
Allows you to launch executables or documents based on their file extension. Similar to the built-in START command, but in addition to normal, minimized and maximized you can also launch apps hidden. Use ShellExecute to view the ...
Displays or sets the 8.3 SFN (Short File Name) for a file or ...
Displays a list of all machines visible in the specified domain, based on role. Basically a command-line view of Network Neighborhood, similar to Net.exe View but with the ability to filter on certain types of machines (workstations only, servers ...
Displays a current or historical list of users logged on to a specified Windows NT/2000 ...
Calculates the network speed (transfer rate) between two winsock ...
Displays the password age for all accounts (users, machines or both). Useful for cleaning up old, unused computer or user accounts from the domain or a remote ...
Loads Registry hives and modifies profiles for users who are not currently logged in. Can also be used to modify new user profiles (Default User). Use ModifyProfile /? to view the ...
Returns an exit code (Errorlevel) of a pseudo-random number based on lowerbound and upperbound numbers passed as arguments. The number returned is much more random than the %RANDOM% variable. Use Random.exe /? to view the ...
Displays a custom message box and returns the users response (which button was pressed) in the exit code. Use MessageBox /? to view the ...
Deletes user profiles, based on the number of days since they were last used. Profiles are enumerated from the registry under HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList and then the modified date of each profiles NTUSER.DAT (the ...