J2ME NMEA GPS Receiver v.1.0
GPS-equipped cell phone works as bluetooth NMEA-183 GPS receiver
GPS-equipped cell phone works as bluetooth ...
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Other software of Elijah Motorny
- Bluetooth Car v.1.0Car model carries MCU(STM32L152) unit and J2ME mobile phone. It is controlled via bluetooth from another mobile. Car is able to move, turn, speak and take pictures.
- blutle v.1.0Being powered with cell phone battery, this board can drive small toys - up to two DC motors, several input/output pins, discharge control.
New Science software
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- Photovoltaic System v.8.12Simulate the amortization of a Photovoltaic System over 20..40 years, including Prosumer Electricity Network Trading. Fine-tune as many cost-driving, efficiency, and sales parameters as you want. See Total Amortization, RoI and Net Profit.
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- GHC Timetables generator EN v.19.2.86Penalara GHC is an automatic software to generate timetables for schools of different levels: primary schools, high schools, vocational schools, universities and all other academic institutions.
- JEngine v.201The purpose of the project is to build a world class open source Enterprise integration engine. Uses of JEngine include healthcare systems/hospitals HL7 interface engine, intergration of HL7 with EMR and Practice Management Systems.
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