Human Body v.1.0
This project is to develop a model of the human body. By modeling organs and their interconnections, a functioning, responsive system is to be developed.
This project is to develop a model of the ...
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Other software of David Kirkland
- SubEdit v.1.0A subtitle editor capable of manipulating and converting a variety of soft-sub formats. Although there are many solutions, both open and closed source, I havn't found any software which meets all my needs. SubEdit is a multi-language, multi-format ...
New Science software
- Match n Freq v.6.573Pulse shaping filter program that finds the pole-zero locations of a transfer function, H(s), for a matched filter. H(s) equals a -desired- signal (Yout) divided by a given input signal (Yin). Y's are in freq. Another improved productivity example.
- Photovoltaic System v.8.12Simulate the amortization of a Photovoltaic System over 20..40 years, including Prosumer Electricity Network Trading. Fine-tune as many cost-driving, efficiency, and sales parameters as you want. See Total Amortization, RoI and Net Profit.
- Nature Simulations v.7.78Nature Simulations is a collection of Small Business Planners around Nature, Humans, Plants and Animals. It starts with a children's model simulating a small river from Black to Caspian Sea, at 0 m above ground. See Trees around Aral Sea, diplomacy.
- GHC Timetables generator EN v.19.2.86Penalara GHC is an automatic software to generate timetables for schools of different levels: primary schools, high schools, vocational schools, universities and all other academic institutions.
- How to code a numerical model v.1.0This is an educational example of how to run a numerical model (in Fortran) from Python, including data handling (netCDF), configuration with a config file, etc.
- HyPerCol v.1.0toolbox for simulating cortical and subcortical circuits on high performance, heterogeneous computer architectures ...