Factorization, HCF & LCM of Numbers v.1.0
Factorization, HCF & LCM of Numbers 1.0 is developed as a useful package of two mathematical operations in general use and are being taught in lower and middle classes. However, these operations are practically required and used in several mathematical, statistical and scientific studies. You will find software of very high standard and complex mathematical nature, but a plug-in or a calculator for finding LCM and HCF are not in common use.For sweet kids reading and home-work is a boring task only. To make this calculator more attractive a simple game of Guess & Hit has been incorporated. Different sounds are associated with different actions of the game. This makes it more interesting. Playing this game is very simple. Just select a target and try to hit your set target in the hitting section where the letters do not represent there actual position. Actual value is shown on hitting a letter.
Factorization, HCF & LCM of Numbers 1.0 is ...
- Factorization, HCF & LCM of Numbers
- 1.0
- SofexIndia
- Windows Vista, Windows Me, Windows XP, Window
- Freeware
- 63 Kb
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