OpenTabletop v.1.0


Attempts to allow for potentially many tabletop RPGs to be played over a LAN or the internet.

Technologies in use or planned:
.NET 3.5 Framework
C# 3.0 (2008)

Attempts to allow for potentially many ... Attempts to allow for potentially many tabletop RPGs to be played over a LAN or the internet. Technologies in use or planned: .NET 3.5 Framework C# 3.0 (2008) WPF & XAML ...

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New Miscellaneous software
  • Super Prize Egg  v.2.1.8Retailers, supermarkets, stores, malls, trade shows, parties and games are a perfect place to use a prize egg. With the fun environment it brings to the event, it is a sure way to keep the atmosphere fun and exciting.
  • Super Prize Wheel  v.2.1.11Retailers, supermarkets, stores, malls, trade shows, parties and games are a perfect place to use a prize wheel. With the fun environment it brings to the event, it is a sure way to keep the atmosphere fun and exciting.
  • Super Prize Grid  v.2.1.10Retailers, supermarkets, stores, malls, trade shows, parties and games are a perfect place to use a prize grid. With the fun environment it brings to the event, it is a sure way to keep the atmosphere fun and exciting.
  • Super Prize Picture  v.2.1.8Retailers, supermarkets, stores, malls, trade shows, parties and games are a perfect place to use a prize picture. With the fun environment it brings to the event, it is a sure way to keep the atmosphere fun and exciting.
  • Oceanus  v.1.0Oceanus is a free-form, next-generation single-player 3D RPG for the Windows (x32/x64) platform. Aspirations are set high, with reinvigorating the PC RPG scene with new, fresh concepts, gameplay and ideas as a primary goal.
  • OpenWorld  v.1.0OpenWorld will be an open-source 3D online world written in Java. Releases will include a client app which will be OpenGL based and a server. This app is in an alpha stage to gather many ideas from the public.